Ending a marriage is never easy, but sometimes it’s the best choice for everyone. Many couples wonder if divorce is their only option or if separation or annulment may be an option for them. Let’s take a look at what each of these options means for couples in Florida who are seeking to dissolve their […]
If your marriage is headed toward divorce and you inherited assets from a deceased loved one, you may be worried that you spouse will be able to take your inheritance. While it is highly unlikely that they would receive your whole inheritance, whether or not they can take a portion of it will depend on […]
After sharing your life with someone, it’s common to feel twinges of regret after filing for divorce. You may feel nostalgic for the good times you experienced or sad because you didn’t envision raising your children as a single parent. If you feel strongly that filing for divorce was a mistake, you may be wondering […]
Many people fear losing their treasured family heirlooms if they seek a divorce. Even if your partner lacks an emotional attachment to the item, you may be concerned that they will try to keep it. How likely is it that you would lose your family heirlooms to your spouse if you divorced them? The answer […]
When your divorce is finalized, the court requires that each of you take certain steps to financially dissolve your marriage and implement your parenting plan. Both you and your ex are legally required to uphold your respective sides of the agreement. In some cases, though, an ex-spouse violates the terms of the agreement. If this […]
Creating a timesharing plan is difficult even in the most amicable of divorces; the complexity increases multifold when the child or children have special needs. Special needs can refer to either physical or mental health issues that the child experiences and cause them to require a higher level of care and expertise than a typical […]
Many stepparents provide for their stepchildren as if they were their own; they love them unconditionally, cover their financial needs, attend their sports games, and are a major influence in their lives. The bond may be so close that the stepparent and stepchild wish to formalize it through a stepchild adoption. The benefits of stepchild […]
This past summer, Governor DeSantis signed a new bill into law that overhauled Florida’s alimony laws and impacts every divorcing couple. Following are the highlights of SB 1416 (2003): The new law went into effect in on July 1, 2023. It does not retroactively impact couples whose divorces were final prior to this date. It […]
One of the first steps in the divorce process is for each spouse to provide a financial disclosure which lists their income, assets, and debts. Each spouse and their respective attorneys classify each item as individual or marital property. This allows for the fair distribution of property, which is one of the largest sources of […]
Inspiring Conversations with Yesenia Calderon of Troy Legal Click for full article … Voyage MIA
Alimony is payments from one ex-spouse to another to help them maintain their standard of living after a divorce. Some, but not all, divorces include alimony. If both spouses worked and earned approximately the same income, alimony is less of an issue. In contrast, if the couple consisted of one high earning spouse and another […]
Florida is a popular destination for couples seeking low taxes, year-round warm weather, plentiful job opportunities, and a high standard of living. For these reasons, couples from other states continue to relocate to Florida. A common question we are asked is if a couple married in another state and has a prenuptial agreement from another […]
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